LED Cube
Here is an attractive and unique decorative article you can make that fits on your table and can be used on occasions like Christmas or as a showpiece. This is a non-programmed version. The chip inside produces 512 random patterns until it repeats itself .
Here is the finished video of the LED cube :
Prerequisite: Basic soldering knowledge is needed. The soldering is kind of tricky but easy when you understand it.
Difficulty level : Medium
Things you will need :
1. 27 LED's of any color
2. 9 volt battery
3. IC 4020
4. NE555
5. 33k ohm resistor
6. 1uF capacitor
7. Copper plate.
8. Etching materials - Acetone/nail polish remover, sand paper, ferrous chloride.
Following video shows how to etch the circuit on a copper plate
Circuit diagram :
Step 1. Take piece of copper plate and cut it in appropriate size.
Step 2. Polish the copper plate with sand paper or scotch bright until the surface shines (This is done to remove the oxidation layer from the surface).
Step 3. Print the circuit given on the glossy side of a Photo paper. Wrap the paper on the copper plate, with the printed side on the copper side of the plate. Tape the corners to make it firm.
Step 4. Press the paper on the copper plate with a hot iron for 5 minutes.
Step 5. Dip the copper plate in warm water as soon as you finish ironing it for 5 minutes (make sure to use gloves as the copper plate will be hot). Keep the plate in water for 5 minutes.
Step 6. Take the plate out of water and remove the paper. The circuit should be printed on the copper plate now as shown in the picture. Rinse the plate in water.
Step 7. Darken the circuit using a black permanent marker.
Step 8. Prepare a solution of ferrous chloride with water in a plastic bowl (3 spoons of ferrous chloride and around 200 ml of water). Do NOT use a metallic bowl and wear gloves as the solution becomes hot and is corrosive. Dip the copper plate in the prepared solution and keep stirring.
Step 9. Continue this process until all the copper from the plate washes away leaving only the marked circuit behind.
Step 10. Wash the black marker lining using Acetone or nail polish remover.
Step 11. Drill holes on the plate as shown in the circuit for components and solder them as shown in the circuit.
For making the LED cube :
Step a. Take a LED and bend the Anode terminal as shown. Bend 27 LEDs in this way and solder them in series as shown.
Step b. Make 9 such strands of 3 LEDs in series. Connect cathodes of all the strands to a common square frame and connect it to Ground using a wire.
Step 12. Take the LED cube and solder each anode of the strand on the circuit, marked 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9.
Step 13. The LED cube will look like this after completion. Connect a switch if needed.
This is a non programmed model. You can use Arduino, AtMega or other micro controllers to create your own design on the cube using Programming. Turn off the lights, switch on the LED cube and see the amazing patterns. Thank you.
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