Thursday, August 28, 2014

How to make a LED blinky Guitar Keychain

 Guitar Key chain

Make a cool guitar key-chain which blinks when plugged to a USB or OTG (On The Go) supported phone. I have used a White LED here but you can personalize it with any color.

Difficulty level : Easy

Things you will need :

1. Printed Circuit Board (PCB)
2. 1k Ohm resistor X 2
3. LED (Any color)
4. Hot glue gun
5. Acrylic colors
6. IC 555
7. 22uF electrolytic capacitor
8. Small piece of wires
9. Sand paper

Circuit Diagram : 

#Steps :

Step 1: Cut a guitar using card paper of your desired shape and size. Use this as a stencil to draw on the PCB.

Step 2 : Draw the guitars on a PCB (Make sure there is enough space for the circuit to fit in).

Step 3 : Cut the guitar shape using a hack-saw. Polish the copper side of the PCB with a sand paper till it becomes shiny.

Step 4 : Draw the circuit on the shiny side as shown in the diagram using a permanent marker.

Step 5 : Etch the PCB till all the copper fades out. Rinse the guitar with water. Remove the marker ink with acetone or nail polish remover.

Step 6 : Drill holes for the components.

Step 7 : Place the components in their respective places and solder them.

Step 8 : Paint the solder side with Texture white and leave to dry.

Step 9 : Scratch the surface a little so that the hot glue adheres properly and then cover the whole component side with hot glue. Make sure it is smooth and looks glossy.

Step 10 : Paint the guitar with Acrylic colors of your choice and let it dry.

Final Product
Just plug it in USB port and watch it GLOW!! Attach a chain to tie your keys.

Connected to USB port.

Connected via OTG.

Connected via OTG.

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